Edelweiss Systems provides many levels of programming skill.  Traditionally, the term programming is used in business to cover many aspects of writing software.  We distinguish between programming and engineering because the two require different levels of skill, just as coding in C++ requires a different level of skill than coding in some other language.  We believe the design of software is an engineering skill and a process that can be used, if done correctly, to dictate to programmers what needs to be written to produce the desired outcome.

     The languages used most frequently at Edelweiss Systems are:  Assembly, C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, and C# .  These are applied to their respective platforms, such as Windows(tm), or Unix based systems, and include  such specific skills as .NET, Corba, MySQL, MS-SQL, Win32, MFC, Motif and other Unix Windowing coding, WinCE, PocketPC, and embedded processors from Intel and Motorola just to name a few.

     Additionally, as described in more detail in the IT Services section, we also handle web development and backend processing using a variety of languages, dynamic pages, databases and distributed processing.

    To learn more, please select a link from the menu to your left, email or call us.

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page last updated: April 1, 2005